
why coaching?

Personal coaching opens up your world in ways you may never have imagined. Coaching has taught me that what we believe about ourselves may not be true. Our truths are the sum total of our life experiences and can be deeply imprinted in our psyche. These imprints pool together to form our ideas and beliefs some of which can prevent us from seeing opportunities for change and growth when they appear. When we realise this, it’s then possible to observe the negative scripts that have been repeating in the background.

Coaching helps to dissolve fears that create inertia and procrastination, excuses and justifying. Coaching helps to identify and overcome perceived obstacles, and open the mind to the idea that anything is achievable.

When the mind is open, there is space for creativity to flow and new possibilities to be discovered. Are you ready to take the 1st step and begin…?

I offer a free 30minute call so you can see if we are a good match for each other. I invite you to get in touch to learn more about me or share what you’re looking for, or both.

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why naturopathy?

The foundation of naturopathy is to establish optimal health and vitality in all areas of your life, and to always consider the whole person and not the symptoms in isolation. Naturopathy is a drug-free holistic approach, that looks to resolve your symptoms as well as the underlying cause. Diet and lifestyle are also evaluated. A typical treatment plan will also include nutrient and/or herbal medicine recommendations necessary to establish a foundation for your body to heal.

At the same time, my goal as a practitioner is the see you develop a deeper understanding of your body so you feel empowered about your health and achieve long term sustainable change. Education and information sharing with you is an important part of my practice.

I support people and families with:

  • stress

  • adrenal fatigue

  • digestive disturbances

  • sleep difficulties

  • mood & emotional imbalances

  • weight management

  • healthy and easy eating plans for now and the future

Get in touch for a free 15min call and we can discuss what’s happening for you.

why reiki?

Reiki is an ancient Japanese mind/body (non-invasive) energy healing technique originating from Sensei Mikao Usui where it was believed that the mind exists not just in the brain but in every organ and tissue in the body. That the mind exists beyond the brain - is recognised in medical science today, related in the brain-gut axis and how the brain and mood impact digestion, and how the gut microbiome influences brain and mood - and connected via our nervous system. This is not a new concept - traditional shamanic healing practices in ancient civilisations have understood the significance of the connection between mind/body throughout the ages. Today we see a revival in which the ancient holistic practices of the Aborigines, Peruvian Shamans, Indian Ayurveda, America Idian, and Maōri are becoming trusted and accepted again.

Negative thoughts and feelings in the unconscious mind has an unconscious effect in the body, causing your ‘qi’ (life force) to become hampered or blocked. Take for example when we experience physical pain, we subconsciously ‘hold into’ that area to protect it from any further discomfort - this causes increased tension and blocks blood flow in that same area. Instead, if we deliberately practice deep relaxed breathing into that area we can see tension and pain ease. The same holds true for energy blocks caused by negative feelings and thoughts. When we hold onto them we become blocked. Reiki can help to gently release these blocks that ultimately cause imbalance and if left, can lead to illness.

How do you know if you need reiki?

You don’t feel at ease - you might have a niggling pain or health complaint that you just can’t resolve, or you might be on an emotional merry-go-round that you can’t seem to escape, or you might be stuck in a situation that is causing you emotional (or mental) stress that you can’t seem to see your way clear of. If you’re not sure if reiki is for you, just get in touch and have a chat.

How does your river flow?


The body and mind are not separate. What cannot consider one without the other.